Dog Play Mall
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Dog Play supports efforts to fight breed specific legislation. Regulating by breed only increases the number of regulated breeds. What scares me is the number of people ignoring the risks of breed specific legislation. Many of these people are ignorantly oblivious that their breed is also at risk. Do you have a Border Collie, or a dog that might be mistaken for a mix of a Border Collie? Your dog is at risk. German Shepherd? Your dog is at high risk. Husky, Malamute or Boxer? High risk of bans and restrictions. Many of these dogs are at risk merely because they are both large and numerous. And large numbers means more incidents. Plastic bags represent a greater risk of death than the family dog. What does need to happen is better attention to following the laws we have. When it becomes more clear that having a dog is a responsibility, not an after thought, then fewer incidents will occur.
Here in the Dog Play Mall I have carefully selected designs from a variety of Zazzle shops on the issue of breed specific legislation. If the breed you love isn't here as a spokesdog against breed specific legislation then it should be. Perhaps you will be the one to create and submit such a design .

Links take you to Zazzle. Your shopping cart will keep your stuff for 30 days so you can return here for more designs.
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